I’ve been to many Yankee games and sat in many different sections. I’ve been around the ballpark enough to be able to say with confidence that the best seat in the house is in the bleachers.
While obviously not the best view of the action, the bleachers provide one heck of an atmosphere for fans. Whether it’s the chant of the players’ names before the first pitch or the booing of a fan wearing opposing colors, there is always some form of entertainment going on other than the game.
In addition to the atmosphere, it’s a lot of fun to get out there a couple hours before the game and try to snag home run balls during batting practice. I caught my first ball off a Derek Jeter batting practice home run back in ’97, and it’s a moment I will never forget.
If you’ve never done it before, I strongly suggest giving the bleachers a shot during your next visit to Yankee Stadium.
~Gregory Hold